Banner photo courtesy of Media for Community Change
Global-minded academic enrichment connects high school students via Skype with outstanding nongovernmental humanitarian organizations — known as NGOs.
Our vision
Conventional academic enrichment tries to change students. We invite students to help change the world. A shared learning experience unites teachers, students and seasoned change-makers in search of solutions to real world problems. Meeting NGO leaders highlights education as a crucial springboard for informed social activism as the means to make a difference.
our misson
Prepare compassionate students in underserved schools to become skilled advocates for nongovernmental organizations —NGOs — that ease humanitarian distress caused by disease, conflict, injustice, climate change and natural disasters.
“As long as poverty, injustice and gross inequality persist in our world, none of us can truly rest. ”
“Service is the rent that you pay for room on this earth.
Populations in distress need urgent attention!
One in every 113 people on the planet is now a refugee. Around the world, someone is displaced every three seconds, forced from their homes by violence, war and persecution.
Some 795 million people in the world do not have enough food to lead a healthy active life.
That's about one in nine people on earth.
“It’s great to know that even though we are young students we can still contribute to making a change for others in different parts of the world.”
“We need NGOs, not to make the world peaceful because that is not possible, but to make the world a better place. It’s always going to be a process. So stay true to that process. An NGO will take you there.”
suggested student service projects:
Form an NGO club to continue meeting NGO leaders.
Follow and share NGO developments on social media.
Launch a social media campaign on behalf of a humanitarian cause.
Open communication with young people who rely on NGOs.
Gather needed resources (clothing, books, linens etc.) for shipment to an NGO.
Speak in public about NGO missions.
Develop a local nonprofit initiative.
Propose a global nonprofit program. such as clean water access.
Publish blogs on highschoolNGOconnect.
Lobby government officials on behalf of human rights.