Top Marks From Students and Advisors
West Side High School (Newark)
[25 students in June 2019 Exit Survey]
96% see greater value in global citizenship
96% will encourage other students to sign up for highschoolNGOconnect
96% would like to hear about internships with NGOs
92% are more confident that they can help ease humanitarian problems
92% want to learn more about NGOs and humanitarian work
88% enjoyed interacting with teachers on real world challenges
88% say that meeting NGO leaders highlights the value of education
88% report a positive impact on research skills
84% report a positive impact on motivation
84% report a positive impact on communication skills
76% would like to hear about summer NGO programs in Newark
International High School/Rosa Parks High School (Paterson)
[21 students in Exit Surveys December 2018 and April 2019]
100% report a positive impact on research skills
90% strongly agree that they expect to mention highschoolNGOconnect in college interviews
88% report a positive impact on communication skills
88% report a positive impact on public speaking skills
85% strongly agree that they enjoyed interacting with teachers on real world issues
80% strongly agree that they are more likely to speak up for humanitarian causes
95% agree or strongly agree that learning about NGOs adds meaning to other schoolwork
95% agree or strongly agree that they are more aware of employment in the nonprofit sector
95% agree or strongly agree that they can see more places for nonprofit initiatives in their communities
95% agree that they will encourage other students to sign up for highschoolNGOconnect
“It’s great to know that even though we are young students we can still contribute to making a change for others in different parts of the world.”
Sheyla Garcia, Rosa Parks High School
“With this program I learned something new that will stick with me for the rest of my life. It’s helping me expand my mind as a young educated African American student.”
David Sisco, International High School
“We are the future and we’re not supposed to be afraid to speak or to help anybody. We’re supposed to be proud of who we are and we need to fight for justice for anybody in the world because we are all human beings and we are supposed to be equal.”
Natalie Tineo, International High School
“It made me look at the world differently. I need to see everyone that needs help. Now I know I can help out if I want.”
Marzana Akhtar, Rosa Parks High School
“We need NGOs, not to make the world peaceful because that is not possible, but to make the world a better place. It’s always going to be a process. So stay true to that process.”
Leon Brown, Uplift Academy
Educators agree…
“Introducing students to leaders in the NGO sector gives them an opportunity to realize the needs of people around the world, as well as the ways these groups obtain funding. NGO leaders share a plethora of knowledge, information, and resources. Our students benefit deeply and grow from it.”
Courtney Dover, Social Studies Teacher, International High School
“Seeing NGOs succeed against great odds encourages every student to surpass the constraints of current hardship. You can’t be it unless you see it.”
Steven Deaver, Social Studies Teacher, West Side High School
“Wow, what a time! We ALL came away from that class inspired and even more interested than we were to begin with. What a great thing to see on the students’ faces!”
Michelle van Hoven, Academic Supervisor, Rosa Parks High School
“Thank you for arranging this wonderful opportunity for Uplift students. Our very first Skype interview was informative and inspiring.”
Milagros Harris, Social Studies Teacher, Uplift Academy