Young global citizens become educated advocates for nongovernmental humanitarian organizations known as NGOs.
When high school students video connect with inspiring NGO leaders around the world, digital interactions direct compassion to victims of poverty, disease, injustice, conflict, climate change and natural disasters. Urgency also adds relevance to vital academic skills. Students embrace research, collaboration and critical thinking when preparing oral presentations on behalf of NGOs.
“Our students had an opportunity to connect via Skype with leaders of NGOs throughout the World. They gained far more than they ever could have seated in a classroom with a book in front of them.”
“We are excited about our students taking advantage of this awesome opportunity to experience life outside of their regular surroundings.”
Rosa Parks Arts High School students with Certificates of Global Citizenship
Global-minded teenagers channel the memory of South African President Nelson Mandela. “As long as poverty, injustice and gross inequality persist in the world,” said President Mandela, “none of us can truly rest.” Toward that end, highschoolNGOconnect mobilizes new and restless advocates for worthy causes.
NGO leaders welcome young American voices. They applaud youthful compassion, dedication, intelligence and resilience. Visibility on the world stage boosts students’ confidence and self-esteem.
Suppose you were designing a school to help students find their own clear end. Wouldn’t you want to provide examples of people who have intense longings? Wouldn’t you want to encourage students to be obsessive about worthy things? Wouldn’t you discuss which loves are higher than others and practices that habituate them toward those desires? Wouldn’t you be all about providing students with new subjects to love?
— New York Times columnist David Brooks [5/10/2016]
tele-CONNECT classrooms to NGOs around the world
· Meet humanitarian leaders IN THE NGO SECTOR
· Promote shared learning by students and teachers
· Reward students’ Emotional Intelligence
· ENRICH academic resources in underserved public schools
· Empower social activism
[Banner image courtesy of NASA]